Dr. Thomas Carman - Veterinarian


Born and raised in Lewisdale within biking distance of Lynn Animal Hospital, Dr. Thomas Carman has been in this area most of his life.

He was destined to be a veterinarian says his mother after she tells many stories of the snakes and turtles he would drag home after school. He even managed to put fish in his swimming pool as a child so that he could release them again in the spring at the duck pond on University Blvd.

Dr. Carman graduated from Northwestern High School in 1978. He then attended the University of Maryland at College Park and finished school in 3 1/2 years graduating in the fall of 1981 with a Bachelor's Degree in Animal Science with additional studies in chemistry and biology/zoology. During this time he worked as a doctor's assistant at Lynn Animal Hospital from 1980-1984.

In 1984 he entered the newly created Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine in Blacksburg, Virginia. He received his degree in 1988 as a member of the 5th graduating class. As he approached graduation, he was contacted by Lynn Animal Hospital about returning as a doctor. He commented laughingly, 'They drug me back'.

He works on dogs, cats, reptiles, rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, and other small mammals. He is happy to see those bird patients already on record with the hospital but he is no longer accepting new bird patients.

Dr. Carman is currently a resident of Laurel. He loves to trail ride on his bike, garden, and is a self-proclaimed 'Sci-fi Geek'.
